Welcome back Gators!!! My name is Rogilyn Boggs, and I am honored to serve as your PTO President for the 2023-2024 school year. My husband Alain and I have two daughters: Rylie, who graduated last year and is now attending Texas A&M in College Station and Jenna, who will be in 8th grade.  We have been a part of the Gateway family from the small beginnings in 2011, where we were literally a little school in the cornfield.  I have been a PTO member over all those years and served on the board for the past 5.  I have also been a member of the Gateway Dance Team Booster Club for the last 10 years and have served on the board in multiple roles during that time. My family and I have loved being a part of Gateway, getting to know many of the teachers, staff, and students.  There have been a lot of challenges for all of us these last few years, but we have an amazing group of parents serving on the board and we are all excited about the new year and the great things we are planning.  Thank you for all your support!  We could not do what we do if it wasn’t for our parents, administrators, faculty and staff.   


Rogilyn Boggs